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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - sniff


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 I. verb  Etymology: Middle English  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to draw air audibly up the nose especially for smelling ~ed at the flowers  2. to show or express disdain or scorn  3. snoop, nose ~ed around for clues  transitive verb  1. to smell or take by inhalation through the nose  2. to utter contemptuously  3. to recognize or detect by or as if by smelling ~ out trouble  II. noun  Date: 1767  1. an act or sound of ~ing  2. a quantity that is ~ed
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  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. draw up air audibly through the nose to stop it running or to detect a smell or as an expression of contempt. 2 tr. (often foll. by up) draw in (a scent, drug, liquid, or air) through the nose. 3 tr. draw in the scent of (food, drink, flowers, etc.) through the nose. --n. 1 an act or sound of sniffing. 2 the amount of air etc. sniffed up. Phrases and idioms sniff at 1 try the smell of; show interest in. 2 show contempt for or discontent with. sniff out detect; discover by investigation. Derivatives sniffingly adv. Etymology: ME, imit. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  фыркать, фыркнуть ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  нюхать; обнюхивать; принюхиваться; сопеть; фыркать SNIFFING обнюхивание ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сопение; шмыганье носом 2. фырканье, хмыканье to say smth. with a sniff —- сказать что-либо, презрительно фыркнув при этом 3. вдох, втягивание носом to take a sniff at a rose —- понюхать розу to get a sniff of fresh air —- глотнуть чистого воздуха 4. понюшка (особенно наркотика) 5. сопеть; шмыгать носом 6. фыркать, хмыкать to sniff disdain (incredulity) —- фыркать (хмыкать) с презрением (недоверчиво) to sniff in contempt (in disapproval) —- презрительно (неодобрительно) фыркать (хмыкать) 7. нюхать, понюхать to sniff at a flower —- (по)нюхать цветок 8. обнюхивать, принюхиваться the dog sniffed at my boots —- собака обнюхала мои сапоги 9. вдыхать (носом, через нос) to sniff the sea air (the scent of a flower) —- вдыхать морской воздух (аромат цветка) 10. обонять, чуять to sniff smth. burning —- слышать (чувствовать) запах горелого 11. чуять, чувствовать, подозревать to sniff danger —- чуять опасность to sniff treason —- подозревать (почуять) измену 12. разнюхивать, вынюхивать; находить (обыкновенно sniff out) to sniff out abuses of power —- выявлять случаи превышения власти 13. разг. (at) пренебрегать (чем-либо) the offer (the opportunity) is not to be sniffed at —- этим предложением (этой возможностью) нельзя пренебрегать we should not sniff at the agreement they proposed —- мы не должны с ходу отвергать предложенное ими соглашение 14....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out разнюхивать, вынюхивать; находить по нюху Some dogs are used to sniff out unlawful drugs. He has a strange ability for sniffing out the cause of the trouble. SNIFF up втягивать через нос, нюхать (наркотики, лекарство и т.п.) If you sniff up this special drug, it will clear your head. SNIFF  1. noun  1) сопение  2) (презрительное) фырканье  3) вдох, втягивание носом  2. v.  1) сопеть  2) (презрительно) фыркать  3) вдыхать, втягивать носом;  4) нюхать, понюхать; The baby sat on the grass sniffing at the flowers.  5) обнюхивать, принюхиваться; The dog sniffed at the stranger for a minute but did not recognize him.  6) coll. пренебрегать (чем-л.); This offer may not be what you desire, but its not to he sniffed at. - sniff out - sniff up ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (sniffs, sniffing, sniffed) 1. When you sniff, you breathe in air through your nose hard enough to make a sound, for example when you are trying not to cry, or in order to show disapproval. She wiped her face and sniffed loudly... Then he sniffed. There was a smell of burning... He sniffed back the tears. VERB: V, V, V n with adv • Sniff is also a noun. At last the sobs ceased, to be replaced by sniffs. N-COUNT 2. If you sniff something or sniff at it, you smell it by sniffing. Suddenly, he stopped and sniffed the air... She sniffed at it suspiciously. VERB: V n, V at n 3. You can use sniff to indicate that someone says something in a way that shows their disapproval or contempt. ‘Tourists!’ she sniffed. VERB: V with quote 4. If you say that something is not to be sniffed at, you think it is very good or worth having. If someone sniffs at something, they do not think it is good enough, or they express their contempt for it. The salary was not to be sniffed at either... Foreign Office sources sniffed at reports that British troops might be sent. VERB: usu passive, usu with brd-neg, be V-ed at, V at n 5. If someone sniffs a substance such as glue, they deliberately breathe in the substance or the gases from it as a drug. He felt light-headed, as if he’d sniffed glue. VERB: V n • sniffer (sniffers) ...teenage glue sniffers. N-COUNT 6. If you get a sniff of something, you learn or guess that it might be happening or might be near. (INFORMAL) You know what they’ll be like if they get a sniff of a murder investigation... Have the Press got a sniff yet?... Then, at the first sniff of danger, he was back at his post. = whiff, hint N-SING: usu N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »BREATHE NOISILY« to breathe air into your nose noisily, especially in short breaths  (Stop sniffing - why can't you blow your nose?) 2 »SMELL« to breathe air in through your nose in order to smell something  (He opened the milk and sniffed it.) + a  (The dog was sniffing at the dead bird) 3 to say something in a proud complaining way  (" I expected something much better," she sniffed.) 4 not to be sniffed at spoken good enough to be considered carefully  (An 8% salary increase is not to be sniffed at.) 5 to take a harmful drug through your nose  (sniffing cocaine)  (- see also glue­sniffing) sniff out sth phr v 1 to discover or find something by its smell  (They've got dogs at the customs for sniffing out drugs.) 2 informal to find out something  (Vic's been asking questions, trying to sniff out where you went last night.) ~2 n an act or sound of sniffing ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. American Sensors, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1350, possibly related to snyvelen (see snivel). As a synonym for smell (v.) it dates from 1845. The scornful sense is from 1859. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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